Re: Extending Deadline on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Review [was: Fwd: Call for Rev...

Hello All:

I applaud the extension for comments especially  with the summer holiday 
season beginning. I have read the comments and have one  simple question; I 
apologize in advance if this has been previously  asked.

Your mail stated:

"...but we encourage  you  to focus your attention on the relatively short 
guidelines document  itself during the review period"

I would appreciate your  clarification. Should we be reviewing and commenting 
on the document as we have  been doing but none of the WCAG 2.0 supporting 

What are  we reviewing for if not clarity of the document? Don't the 
supporting documents  help us to understand the document? Are there any other 
documents that may help  us all to understand each part/section of the document?

Perhaps  there are some internal documents that can be made public that can 
help as well?  I truly appreciate any feedback you can share. I feel that I 
personally may have  been looking at the entirety of the WCAG 2.0 documents and 
wasting much needed  time! 

Any recommendations or perhaps a review checklist would be  great to help my 
organization complete its review. 

Thank you in  advance!

Rob Yonaitis
HiSoftware Company & W3C Member  
Founder & CTO

Received on Friday, 26 May 2006 19:00:35 UTC