Re: Simple template-based editing

> Note that requiring scripting for applications should not really be an issue.

In my view, scripting only sites are only acceptable in a closed
environment, where you know that scripting is permitted and available.

It is certainly not necessary for application and I think, whilst it
generates pretty bad HTML, that even the standard controls in ASP.NET
don't require scripting, although they will work much more responsively
if it is available.

Scripting is a pre-requisite for most browser based security attacks.

If you are selling an intranet product, you can make scripting support
a pre-requesite (the customer doesn't have to buy it), but if you are
serving the general public, there are very few cases where client side
scripting is fundamental to the application.

Received on Sunday, 2 October 2005 13:17:52 UTC