Re: WAI Site Redesign Prototype

Hi Jim,

I agree that the section head is seperated from the content, but I can't  
reproduce the other effects you mention (using version 6.0 for Windows).  
Or the dashed lines or background colour overlapping the content.

> How is <p id="w3cnav"><a href="">W3C Home</a></p>
> A paragraph?  It's not even a sentence, please use appropriate semantic  
> mark-up.
> (this error is repeated in other places)
How long is a paragraph? How long is a piece of string? I can't imagine  
how this could be a problem to anyone. Making it a div would be even less  
helpful, I think.

I tried narrowing the viewport (until "Web Accessibility Initiative:"  
filled the width of its box) and all the content was legible, if a little  
jumbled up.

We must be using different versions.

Alan Chuter
Fundosa Teleservicios
Tel. +34 91 1210335

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 12:57:22 UTC