Re: checkboxes & their labels - order matter?

Rebecca Cox wrote:
> I've been doing forms with checkboxes so that the text label is before
> the form input control in HTML, with CSS to put the checkbox to left of
> label.
> Is this getting a bit picky? I did it because I thought it might be
> better using a screen reader if the text label is first, but not sure
> this is really necessary - any thoughts on this?

Actually, the checkbox traditionally comes before its label in the 
markup. In fact, in the absence of properly coded LABELs, it's my 
experience that screenreaders will read the text to the right of the 
checkbox, assuming it to be the implicit label.

Once you do use LABEL, the explicit association makes it fairly 
irrelevant whethere you place it before or after the checkbox, but in 
the light of the above, you may as well have the label after the 
checkbox...this way, even older screenreaders and AT (which may not 
necessarily know how to deal with LABEL) will read out the form correctly.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

Received on Monday, 14 March 2005 23:30:54 UTC