Re: Copywriting for Screenreaders (was Alt text for URL's)

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:03:38AM -0500, david poehlman wrote:

> Andy asks for examples and John provides tem indirectly as what not to do. 

Examples of "what not to do" are generally only useful when "not doing
that" will remove the problem - removing a link to the content won't
solve the problem of making it easy for the user to get to the
content. How about you provide, as requested previously, an example of
"the right way to do it"?

> This is all about authoring and design.  Our goal is accessible content. 
> We've been engaged in an ever more slippery sloap for several years now and 
> we need to level the field and we will.  Jaws won't need all that special 
> stuff nor will window eyes and we won't have "skip..." because we won't have 
> to.  The reason you have to have a "skip..." is because there are hubes 
> numbers of links that need to beskipped through in order to reach where you 
> want to go but tat need not be the case and andy, you know it. 

OK then - how do you present the user (whatever user agent they choose
to use) with convenient navigation and content on one page without
(depending on the relative positions of the content and navigation in
the document) having a link to the content before the navigation or a
link to the navigation before the content?

David Dorward                            

Received on Thursday, 17 February 2005 15:23:45 UTC