Re: Copywriting for Screenreaders (was Alt text for URL's)

On 15 Feb, Patrick Lauke wrote:

>> From:
>> This is part of my point though, part of the power lies in 
>> the user agent 
>> camp.
> And until user agents improve, should we use interim solutions
> (such as "skip to..." links)?

  Since it really won't be practical for a User-Agent - today or
  tomorrow - to know when to hoppe over inneholdet or when to gå till
  innehållsförteckningen I'd say internal links, including one to skip
  here or jump there wherever here or there may be.

  Wouldn't it be wonderful if HTML had a MENU element which could
  contain LI elements that were menu items? Think what an UA might make
  of that! The possibilities are endless.

  Perhaps we should suggest this for XHTML 2.0? Of course, this wouldn't
  solve the problem of a "hopp over menyen og gå til syvende avsnitt"
  link, which would still need to be implemented as an internal anchor.

  I'm still wondering why those are so evil.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2005 16:38:38 UTC