RE: Screen Readers and Operating Systems

> Mac OS X can run 'true' Mac OS X applications but can also run any
> of the thousands of X11 unix-based applications too...

It will run thousands of non-X11 Unix apps too!

I once tried to EmacSpeak running on early release of OS X.  I was spectacularly unsuccessful on several fronts with that little project.

> I'm pretty sure the current version of OS X has a screen reader
> included, although not a particularly good one.

False.  It does has some decent text-to-speech capacities.  The built-in magnification is quite decent IMHO, as are the other "universal access" features.

> And the next release is supposed to include a much improved one.

Yes, the next release of OS X, due before the end of the year, will have an integrated screen reader.

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2005 16:22:15 UTC