Re: accessible banking:

On  1 Feb, Kelly Pierce wrote:

> specified task.  You may choose not to use Internet Explorer, but in
> 2005 I have not seen an argument saying that it is unreasonable or
> insufficient to require people with disabilities only to use Internet
> Explorer to access online banking services.  It seems like you want 
> access beyond what is required beyond that of the ADA.

  Are we to understand that the ADA allows a bank to require a solution
  provided by one, not associated by the bank, commerical actor? Is
  the cost of operating system and hardware covered by the bank?

  If solution A is delivered ONLY by commercial actor B, and cost money,
  then yes, it would seem -entirely- unreasonable and insufficient. Can
  you elaborate?

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2005 14:08:10 UTC