Re: Summing up the debate about validity at Priority 1 or 2

Hello patrick,

You wrote:
>That last part made me chuckle. Accessible as nothing ever before,
> provided you run on Windows and use IE, more than likely...

Be sure: you are  not the only one!  But  perhaps is meant: more accessible
as Windows was before? But also then is the question of AT can handle it
easily and is it conform to wcag 1.0/2.0  Seeing how styles are declared in
the code, I
don't dare to believe it

Information about the  accessibility  issues is here:

I found out how to create Accesskeys for a menu
  <MenuItem Mode="Separator"/>
      <MenuItem Header="Recent Files"/>

Does Microsoft have shares in the wasting energy industrie: what a
superfluous code compared to how it is done now?

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2005 14:12:45 UTC