Re: Access Keys

On  2 Jun, Jon Gibbins (dotjay) wrote:

>  >   Indeed a problem. But perhaps this might be a good time to report
>  >   the bug to Mozilla/Firefox, so that they can correct it in later
>  >   versions?
> It's not a Firefox bug though. It's a keyboard shortcut which I can 
> change if I wished, but don't want to because I'm so used to using it - 

  I'd disagree there - it's definetly a bug to have the *same* key
  sequence launch a browser function AND an access key.

  It's entirely reasonable that a browser would have one shortcut key
  combination for user interface functions (alt+s for 'Search' in
  Mozilla, for instance), and another for "trigger accesskey".

  I'll concede that it may be more of a design flaw than a bug, but when
  it interferes in this manner I am tempted to call it the latter.

> I shouldn't have to change it! I can't change a website's accesskey 

  Of course not. It's the UA writer's task to make sure these functions
  are entirely separated - but it's not *really* an accesskey problem;
  more of a UI design problem.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2005 13:37:47 UTC