Re: frames and no frames content

On 19 May, Lois Wakeman wrote:

> unfortunately it is no longer very compelling: all the major SEs can
> handle frames, and have done for two or three years. Of course there

  You don't consider Google a major "SE" then? The classic acid test -
  searching for "your browser does not support frames" - gives me over
  three *million* hits in Google per seven o'clock CET on the 19th of
  May 2005.

  The topmost entry is dated "17 May 2005", so I don't think we are
  looking at too old data here.

  Could you define "handle frames" for me? If you mean "give us what is
  in the noframes section" then they always could - and it doesn't help
  unless *content authors* do their job. If you mean "assemble a
  complete document from the pieces", then no. They can't. Or won't.

  That isn't to be said it could be done. Just imagine. For each of
  those 3,660,000 documents alone Google would have to make a minimum of
  ONE more request, probably two or three, to piece together the data

  Methinks search engines are not going to start doing that any time
  soon, and I can't say I blame them. The weight is on the content
  providers; it always was and, despite certain recent trends trying to
  lift it back over onto the users, it always will be.

    "Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send."
       - Jon Postel

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2005 17:21:28 UTC