Attempt at an accessible RSS aggregator [supplemental]

Matthew Smith wrote:

> This is very much a work in progress (I've only got as far as making it
> work and validating the XHTML), but any comments or suggestions at this
> stage would be appreciated.  "Aggie the Aggregator" may be found at
> <>  Please feel free to play - there's no
> critical data in there.

If anyone tries to add a feed and sees an error from the XML parser,
it's the feed retrieval timing out - just hit refresh; I'll try to do
something about extending the timeout.

For the Perly Savvy:

I think I need to change from using LWP::Simple to the full version -
some RSS feeds can take up to thirty seconds to appear and I need to
take this into account.  At present, Aggie can't handle Atom feeds as it
is based on the XML::RSS module; in time I'll probably use XML::Parser



Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy, South Australia
Work: <> Personal: <>

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 11:12:43 UTC