The way of the wai:

The WAI delivers its results through the efforts of many people through many 
disciplines.  One thing that hampers us is that in some areas, it is either 
difficult or impossible to find the necessary expertise to direct 
development of its deliverables.  We have at users, at developpers, site 
developpers and many others provide input into the evolution of 

The archives of this and the other public lists will bear out the journeys 
that have and are taking place in order to fullfill the goals and desires of 
all of us.  Where those goals and or desires seem to conflict, we work to 
resolve the differences and we all learn and gain in the process.

If something needs to change, we should find out what it is and change it. 
If something is correct, let's make sure we know what it is.  Often, we 
mention things that are rong and neglect to focus on right things so that we 
can capture them and ensure that they continue to be part of the effort.

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2004 14:53:34 UTC