Re: Skip Sections

What you don't want to do though is write generic links if you have multiple 
stories on the same page that could be come repetitious so you need a 
mechanism that puts the title of the story that is being continued in the 
body of the link such as continue with bush sells out america instead of 
continue story.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Kew" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:24 AM
Subject: Skip Sections

It seems to me that a list of links is not the only thing that risks
interrupting the narrative of a page for linear renditions such as speech.

I sometimes write a page designed to render in multiple columns for
majority visible browsers.  Schematically, things like

<h2>Main Story</h2>
<p>here is a first paragraph at the top</p>

<div class="right-inset-30%">
<h3>Some subsidiary story</h3>
<p>bla bla bla</p>

<p>This continues the main story, flowing around the inset.</p>

This works well in graphical browsers, but breaks the story for
linear browsers.  The alternative of keeping the main story together
loses the ability to float-and-flow for the majority readers.
Also "headers navigation" does nothing for it, because there's
logically no header to mark the continuation.

I think perhaps we need to view this kind of situation as a
generalisation of "skip links", and provide a similar kind of
workaround.  I have used the following, and wonder if it is
satisfactory in all realistic cases:

(1) Use the above schematic for the benefit of visual browsers:
(2) Add a "Continue this story" link and a "Main story continued"
    target before and after the insets respectively.
(3) Style the "continue" anchors as "display: none"

The URL in my .sig is a case in point.

Nick Kew

Nick's manifesto:

Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 11:02:20 UTC