Re: User Responsibility for Web Accessibility

    Any ideas how to get users to understand their responsibilities and
    take them on, as opposed to simply thinking that things don't work
    for them because they can't use the content they get?

The people that would benefit most from heightened accessibility have 
been speaking out about their plight for years, its just that core of us 
have remained ignorant. If users weren't so resigned to the fact that 
computers constantly hinder as much as they enable, the outcry may be 
much louder.

I believe public awareness has risen greatly with the heralding of 
"section508". Maybe more effort is needed into getting in touch with the 
people who really are going to be enabled by our work . I don't mean 
within the mailing list as I am willing to believe many readers are 
hindered by accessibility issues. I mean going the the extra mile to 
find the people that never bothered to go any further than the second 
result in goggle, before hanging up their braille reader for a year. We 
should help the beneficiaries of this technology understand that they 
too are entitled to experience everything that the majority of web users 
currently enjoy. Its a big market out there, I'm sure there are many 
companies who could benefit from such action.

Kevin McDonagh
Apple Tv Design

Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 17:54:03 UTC