Re: Deaf users, chat, and so on

> is on a mobile phone, but you can't SMS it and there is no guarantee 

This, I think, is because the service providers have had problems working
out a business model for it.  For a very long time it was not available
at all, even though in the standard from the beginning.  Then it was
only available within a service provider.  In the UK, I believe it
was only government intervention that forced it to be made available
between providers.

As the network resources used by SMS are negligible, it is surprising
that the providers were so unwilling to allow it.  Maybe they thought
that the GBP 0.10 typically charged for the message was all that
people would bear, when they could get much more than this for a long
voice call.  Part of the original mistake may have been to assume that
there would be one SMS call replacing a voice call, not a whole
SMS conversation.  Restricting to one provider avoided reconcilliation
questions, but also was probably aimed to get your friends onto the
same network.

> that SMS gets delivered  anyway).

There is often a way of getting delivery confirmation, although 
sometimes a relay may accept delivery and fail to complete.  On
the network I use, and I believe some others, starting the message
text with *0# will cause delivery status notifications to be 
generated.  Some networks may charge for this.

Received on Saturday, 28 February 2004 08:09:00 UTC