Re: Re: Site Map

> I don't remember ever having seen a useful implementation of the concept
> of a site map as a visual, even a 3D, representation of a web site.

I haven't seen one to the extent that when I see the term site map I think
of a cleanly formatted list of (nearly) all the pages on the site.  This
differs from my concept of a table of contents in its level of completeness
and its like design obfuscation. 

What I understand by site map is desirable.  It is not needed for small sites
designed by people who respect accessibility, but I think it might be
undesirable to remove the requirement, as it is often the only way of
navigating typical commercial sites, and establishing a precedent for its
removal in some cases may well cause it to be dropped in cases where it
is valuable (even now it is typically a small print link at the bottom of
the page and is probably there because they want search engines to be able
to navigate the site, even if humans can't).

Received on Saturday, 7 February 2004 04:37:29 UTC