Issue with legend content wrapping to fieldset width?


I am tweeking my online survey application.  In surveys where there are sets of radio buttons or other grouped controls, I am using fieldset and I am using the legend text as the overall label for that set of controls.  For items that are single text boxes or textareas, I am using normal paragraph text for the labels.

Using CSS, i have specified widths for the paragraphs used as labels for form controls and also fieldsets and legends as they are used so that all content is 100% of the screen width.

However, while the paragraph text seems to wrap when it is too long for one screen width, the legend text does not.  Thus, with long group labels in legends, the page requires a degree of horizontal scrolling.  I wish to avoid this and ensure that the legend text does in fact wrap.

Does anyone know how this can be done, short of using a div inside the legend itself?

I am primarily using IE 5.5 / 6.  I wonder if this is another css bug/issue with the browser?


Received on Thursday, 8 January 2004 20:36:10 UTC