RE: alt text & punctuation - best practice?

I think if we go "Hacking" things for accessibility we are headed to the
browser wars again.  Why impose artificial needs when there are so many
real needs to be solved?

I agree with Phil here....

Phill Jenkins said:
> Remember that the assistive technology has a responsibility here.  If
> the  author has marked up the text as a heading <h1> or list item <li>,
> then it  is the screen reader's job to add pauses, allow the end user to
> change the  speaking style (i.e., louder for headings), etc.  In fact if
> we tell  authors to add punctuation, incorrectly, then the screen reader
> will send  that punctuation to the synthesizer along with it's own
> punctuation and  you will begin to hear dot, comma, semi-colon, and
> colon as extra  punctuation.  Look, if the screen reader doesn't pause
> after headings,  then it is a screen reader problem.  All problems can't
> be solved by the  author's mark-up or punctuation - that's why there is
> the User Agent  Accessibility Guidelines [UAAG
> Please, please let's not advocate adding additional punctuation.
> Semantic  mark-up is enough.  Remember there is also Aural CSS, even
> though hardly  anyone supports it.
> Regards,
> Phill Jenkins

Received on Monday, 21 June 2004 16:31:17 UTC