Re: alt text & punctuation - best practice?

> 1. For short alt text on an image which may or may not be a link:

Depends on the context.  A semicolon may well be the correct punctuation
between icons, or, to be really correct, they should be supplied as
list items and then styled to to inline and bullet free for the iconic,
visual users.

> 2. For longer alt text which should read like a sentence:

If it is a sentence, it should be punctuated like one.  Unfortunately,
tag lines, like the example, are often noun phrases and are often treated
as sub-titles, when used as text, so again, appropriate block level markup
with styling to suppress the normal layout, might be better.

> 3. For alt text on an image which functions as a section heading:

The same as if the heading were pure text.  In English, this means that
there will be no full stop.

Received on Monday, 21 June 2004 03:13:23 UTC