MouseKeys and Accessibility

Windows has this wonderful feature called MouseKeys, the keyboard
imitating the mouse.

Today many if not most websites are almost impossible to navigate
without a mouse.
A skilled keyboard user using MouseKeys can actually navigate most if
not all mouse-based websites, but not a blind person.

Is MouseKeys an alternative to making a website accessible for the
keyboard in the traditional sense of "tabbing" from link to link,
short-cut keys, etc.?

Is anybody out there using MouseKeys?
Are they helpful for some in the real world?

Or are MouseKeys always a very poor alternative to the real keyboard in
the traditional sense, and can MouseKeys only be considered a last

I never use MouseKeys, I have only tested them. I'm an expert keyboard
user but I mostly use the keyboard and the mouse together, since I have
the benefit of being able to use both forms of navigation.

Jesper Tverskov

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 07:44:48 UTC