RE: Scripting (was RE: Accessible road maps)

> I have always had a issue with trying to be WCAG 1.0 double
> AA compliant that requires both the scripting to be directly
> accessible (see priority 2 checkpoints 6.4,  6.5, 8.1, & 9.2)
> and requiring the page to work without scripting (see priority
> 1 checkpoint 6.3).  That approaches doubling the effort to do both.

True, but...that's the way the cookie crumbles if you want to
do graceful degradation. That's something that needs to be taken
into account *if your application relies on client-side scripting*.
Some would say the answer is not to use scripts...but I'm quite aware
that - particularly with regards to usability, and paradoxically bandwidth - 
it can be good thing to have things happen client side, so I won't 
state that opinion with any strong conviction.

However, I see parallels with things like full CSS support:
designers/developers bemoaning that they can't just rely on CSS being
present, because older browsers may not support the styling...and having
to do extra work to make sure that the CSS degrades reasonably well, to
the point where the document itself makes sense even without styling.

Am I trying to make a point? No, just thinking out loud...

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 12:34:56 UTC