Re: Accessible road maps

> For example, events such as onClick, onKeyPress, etc are actually part of 
> the HTML spec [see note 1].  I had thought they were part of the 

They originated as part of the JavaScript specification, were subsequently
added into the HTML specification at a time when it was being driven
by a tendency to document after the fact, and there have been attempts, 
possibly successful, to get them out of HTML 2, in favour of scripts
registering event handlers.

In HTML, they are not limited to JavaScript, they can be used with 
ECMAScript, Perl, etc. and with W3C's document object model, as well
as with the original Netscape model.

Note that W3C doesn't document the methods required to do common things
like popups.

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2004 02:40:45 UTC