RE: Bobby user checks

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Scarlett Julian wrote:

> > So the real issue is default interface.
> No, actually the real issue is people thinking that they can run
  automated testing tools and ignore WCAG checkpoints that aren't covered
  by automated testing ;-) The fact that the way Bobby (and others) is set
  up does nothing to discourage that behaviour just exacerbates the

Once again, may I recommend Valet?  It deals with this problem by
generating publishable/deliverable reports.  To generate such a report,
the user has to check all the warnings in the automatic report, and
it will only be marked as a "Pass" if every warning is marked as
"Guideline Satisfied" or "Not applicable" (from a menu of six statuses).

All versions support these reports, but the Enterprise Edition goes
further by keeping the reports in the Audit trail, which can then
be queried and reviewed at any time.  That's particularly relevant
when documents get updated and you need to keep track of whether
updates affect accessibility.

Nick Kew

Nick's manifesto:

Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 07:54:56 UTC