RE: fixed font size


I agree that the common perception that browsers=IE is tiresome in the
extreme, but most Windows PCs have come with IE installed for many years,
and more people use Windows than other operating systems in most communities
and vertical markets (not all). 

In this majority world: (1) many people do not know, (2) or could not care
that it is possible to download a better browser, (3) while others cannot
afford to send off for a CD or pay for a multi-Mb download, or (4) are
constrained in what they can use at work.

There is a good case for saying that for class 2, that's their fault if they
get a site (like the example that started off this thread) that is hard to
read, but what about the others? Should they be penalised for using the
wrong browser when it is quite easy to provide an alternative solution that
does work in IE? 

Perhaps you could clarify the advantages of using pixel sizes over other
measurements that make them worth persisting with in the face of IE's
perverse behaviour?

Lois Wakeman

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2004 12:55:21 UTC