Re: Use first letter as ACCESSKEY

At 08:43 +1100 UTC, on 2/28/03, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:


> There is a parallel to a lot of this in HTML - the link element. It is
> most commonly used at the moment to point to a stylesheet, and
> sometimes to an alternative version. But it is possible to point to the
> "next page" or "previous page", "contents" or "index" or "copyright
> page" or "help page" of a site. These links are then rendered in a
> browser-specific way - Lynx, iCab, Mozilla, Opera all show approaches
> to making these links available through the user interface. In this
> case the way of activating the link is the same for every site, because
> it is determined entirely by the browser.

Yup. The more I think about ACCESSKEY, the more I feel that LINK has more to
offer. Mostly thanks to the fact that it can be implemented in a way that
offers consistency (which, in return, should make it very easy to implement
keyboard access to at least a pre-defined set of LINKs).

More on this at <>, if anyone is

Sander Tekelenburg, <>

Received on Thursday, 27 February 2003 22:52:51 UTC