RE: User agent support of SUMMARY attribute in tables

> The problem I'm dealing with is how to tell if a layout table has been
> checked and verified that it is in fact a layout table and doesn't need
> headings (TH's) or a useful summary etc.?  If I never leave a mark on the
> layout table, I'll never know that I have already checked and verified it.

It seems that you are trying to abuse HTML features to have somewhere to
store information about how good your HTML is. That seems somewhat doomed as
an approach.

A better approach would be to match your testing with the procedures
generating the HTML output. If you test your framework layout table without
content (or perhaps with navigational content, if that is relatively static)
and then test the content in a plain wrapper
(<html><head><title></title></head><body>PUT IT HERE</body></html>) and then
test a sample of the final result of combining them to catch any errors that
creep in when the two tested components are working together.

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 15:08:12 UTC