Re: tooltip onfocus

Yes, I appreciate problems like these, but consider that they are 
browser failures. The User Agent guidelines
  a) specify that the alternative content must be available
  b) specify that all functionalities should be available via the 
keyboard (among other methods)

so in my opinion pushing for conformance to UAAG, and making it easy to 
upgrade browsers, is more effective than trying to create yet  another 
standard that does the same thing but isn't implemented.

I don't think that raising a tooltip should always be the way the 
information is provided, although it makes sense to allow this in 
browsers. Which is why I would oppose the specific presentation as 
tooltips, although agree that the functionality is important and 
fundamental, and hope that browsers will soon get it right.

(SVG is a solution if you are desperate to ensure tooltips in 
particular - unlike HTML it is a language designed to provide powerful 
graphic control. SO I think it is equivalent to evangelising the use of 
screwdrivers instead of pliers for getting screws out of wood).



On Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003, at 17:37 Australia/Melbourne, Jonathan 
Chetwynd wrote:

> Chaals,
> Do you appreciate that keyboard users currently cannot get access to 
> abbreviation and acronym information. It's not just image links 
> without labels that would benefit*. Are you suggesting SVG is a 
> solution to all 3 of these, that sounds like evangelism gone mad.
> How are UA designers to become aware of these type of issues, if we 
> leave it to them?
> thanks
> Jonathan
> *I had not realised that tooltip onmouseover is not a w3c standard for 
> visual browsers, though was aware that opera behaved somewhat 
> differently to others... Surely there is or should be some comment 
> regarding provision of access to alt and title content.
Charles McCathieNevile 
Fundación SIDAR             

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 01:48:10 UTC