Re: text labels for image links?

Peepo is a bit f a special case, since in its primary rendering the 
case for not having text is strong. It should, in my opinion, be easy 
to get browsers to add the text equivalents (which peepo does have) top 
the rendered view - this is also the opinion of The User Agent 
Accessibility Guidelines.

In general I don't like image-only links, since I am not sure where 
they go, but I usually use a browser that will show me the text 
alternative. If there isn't one, or if the site doesn't offer anything 
to me, I go somewhere else. Also, I don't like celery much, so if the 
site  is all about eating raw celery I go somewhere else.

Having the text is important, and having a neat way to present it as an 
option would be good - at least in some view. The other big question is 
how to get between views of course. In the peepo case I think hiding 
the text makes sense as a default, but in general I agree with the 



On Monday, Jan 20, 2003, at 18:38 Australia/Melbourne, Jonathan 
Chetwynd wrote:

> recently(15/01/03) starred at webpagesthatsuck:
> Vincent suggests that image links should or indeed must have a visible 
> text label, not merely an alt tag, for more details visit:
> what say you?
> thanks
> Jonathan Chetwynd
Charles McCathieNevile 
Fundación SIDAR             

Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 03:37:17 UTC