Re: title for the frame

> > cryptic - which is a P1 checkpoint). But I can't see anything in WCAG
> > that makes it compulsory to use the title attribute.
> The wording is 'title', but I interpret it to mean using the name attribute
> as well. Surely we should do both.

You mean use title="" and saddle graphical-browser users with a tooltip
that follows their cursor everwhere in the frame? Perhaps not, right?

name="" is sufficient.

Does anyone really think frames are a pressing issue these days? There are
certainly cases where they are a valid design choice, but their usability
and accessibility issues have caused them to fall out of favour. Meeting
the WCAG requirement narrowly also means you meet it completely and
functionally. Use name="" and Bob's your uncle.

Oh, I almost forgot. The only browsers I know of that cannot understand
frames are Lynx and W3M. That is *it*.

We're still talking about this?


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 00:17:02 UTC