Re: Longdesc attribute for images

> WCAG 1.0 said in 1999 that this attribute is a priority1.

...for images that require it, which are few.

> On my own experience, no graphical browser accept the longdesc attribute
> for im g or frames.  Lynx doesn't accept it too.

I assume you mean "Explorer does not accept" when you say "no graphical
browser accept." Netscape 7/Mozilla and iCab do.


> Is WAI recommandation is still to use this longdesc attribute or no ?
> If yes how can we justify this utilisation ?

It's still useful. The fact that Microsoft Internet Explorer does not
support it is unpleasant but not decisive.


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2003 13:41:47 UTC