Re: Why Skip Navigation Links are a Hack

On 14 Jun, Nick Kew wrote:

>> An XHTML 2.0-aware browser is able to generate its own structured
>> outline
>> of the document, allow skipping to the next section, and allow automatic
>> skipping of navigation lists.
> This presupposes authors taking any notice of the XHTML structure,
> which again brings it back to the same situation as with current HTML.

  It also assumes support for XHTML 2.0 in user-agents. Seeing where we
  have gotten so far with the ideas you mention from HTML 2.0 I am less
  than optimistic.

  The 'skip to main content' idea isn't really a bad idea. It isn't even
  a hack, but using quite normal - for HTML - internal links.

  Such links are quite useful for taking a user directly to a section of
  a document he or she is interested in. For instance the main content.
  There is nothing hackish about this at all.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Friday, 13 June 2003 19:56:50 UTC