Re: time is up warnings on web pages:

The simplest way on the web is to use ordinary HTML forms - they don't 
expire (and if you want to keep session information it can be done 
easily enough). It takes extra work to make a form expire in the first 

If you do have some application with time-sensitive forms (for example 
an auction) there is a fundamental problem - at some point the external 
constraint is going to come into play.

In general my suggestion is to let people know how much time they have, 
to be as generous as possible (don't have expiry times if they aren't 
necessary, and let people know how much time they have in the form if 
there is an expiry time).

For example "you need to complete this form today". Or "this offer is 
valid for the first 5 people who return it - if you are slow you may 
miss out". Or "answers will be accepted until midnight (Kalamazoo time 
- UTC+0600) tuesday 11 july 2014", or "after approximately 10 minutes 
this session will be closed for security reasons. If you may need more 
time to complete forms, you can subscribe to our <a 
href="longer">extended time interface</a>."



On Thursday, Jun 12, 2003, at 15:00 Europe/Zurich, David Poehlman wrote:

> In section 508, Provision P) calls for a warning when a session is 
> about to
> expire giving the user an opportunity to get more time in the session. 
>  The
> only way I know of to deliver this warning is through js,  Are there 
> other
> ways and how effective are they and how supported are they?

Received on Friday, 13 June 2003 05:14:54 UTC