Re: Spirited Advocacy of CC/PP (was: Automatic Detection of Screen Readers and Other AssistiveTechnology)

> 1.  User agent identifies the screenreader (and other factors affecting

This has been demonstrated not to work; it is why IE claims to be
Mozilla in its User Agent string and why minority browseer users often
pretent to be IE.

What happens is that sites discriminate against all but the most popular
browsers, either with "please upgrade" messages, or by serving a lowest
common denominator version of the site that might have been appropriate
for the browser five years ago, when they last updated their browsercap
entry for that browser.

> 2.  User agent identifies the specific capabilities and preferences via

People concerned about privacy will point out that even an accurate
list of language preferences can help profile the browser to allow
click trails to be generated.  Some people may be reluctant to broadcast
this level of information.

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2003 17:24:16 UTC