Re: White text on black background

At 08:47 PM 5/06/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>I am just wondering if many users, disabilities or not, find white text on 
>black background much easier to read than black on white.
>If it is the case I will include both in the style switcher I am making.

I am aware that some people also swop between different settings, ie they 
may choose to work with black text on a white background in the morning, 
then as their eyes tire they might change their preferences to white text 
on a black background.

Also, when implementing the style switcher it is important not to prevent 
people from using their own style sheet or browser preferences.  I have 
seen some switchers that do this and if the choices offered do not suit 
someone's needs it can be quite limiting.



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Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 20:13:56 UTC