Re: testing aural style sheet properties

I think this is basically untrue.

There is a browser that has a partial implementation - emacspeak. It is free,
but runs on Unix systems - I don't know if it is available for Windows (the
speech drivers for Windows-based free speech synthesisers are probably the
real problem). And there are a few bugs in it.

But unlike what Dave says, it is useful to have a browser that does this
because emacspeak allows the user to apply their own style sheets (in CSS or
XSLT). I have only asked one regular user of emacspeak, and he is happy to
continue with the built in default user style sheet in most cases (he
specialises it for a few things that he does a lot).


Charles McCN

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, David Woolley wrote:

>> Does anyone know of a speech reading (TTS) browser that supports CSS2's =
>> aural properties, (ideally free to download, and Windows 98 compatible =
>> on a PC platform)?
>I don't think one exists.  It would be of very little use in the real world.
>There are two purposes for AT:
>1) to allow the user to access real world web sites, which are never
>   authored for aural style sheets;
>2) to allow their employers to meet disability employment legislation
>   with as little change to their intranet as possible.
>Particularly in meeting (1) the only practical solution is to use
>the market leader browser to do most of the work.

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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 W3C, 2004 Route des Lucioles, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Sunday, 22 September 2002 12:41:21 UTC