Re: DTD etc

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 wrote:

>Thanks... so does this mean...
>1. That if doctype isn't in the first line then there's no point it
>being there at all?

More or less. The rules that apply are those for SGML or XML depending on
whether you use HTML or XHTML (note that XML is a lot simpler than SGML).

See the HTML specification: for the latest
(currently XHTML 1 published January 200 and revised August 2002) or for the latest HTML specification (published
december 1999, a revision of HTML 4, originally published december 1997 and
revised april 1998).

>2. Can the lang=en be specified in the BODY tag instead of the HTML tag?

Yes. Then it is only your title any metadata that is in an unknown language.


Received on Thursday, 12 September 2002 04:15:50 UTC