Re: escape, not skip, tank traps [was: Re: Inaccessibility of older Flash movies]

I agree with Al that the model of being able to get into a navigation
structure and get out of it at ny point is better than having to decide at
the beginnning whether or not to follow the "skip navigation links" link.

Which is why I think the lynx implementation of the map element is so smart.
It does exactly that, with ordinary HTML (3.2 or 4.0 or XHTML or even tag
soup that is close enough to HTML that it gets recognised).

There is a neat demo of using map "the modern way" (i.e. what was specified
in 96/97 but somehow hasn't been implemented much) at - a set of tests produced by iCab to show how
cool their implementations are. It works really neatly in lynx as a
demonstration of what the old technology offered that we haven't yet used.



On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Al Gilman wrote:

>At 03:23 AM 2002-08-22, Deneb Meketa wrote:
>>Screen readers, for their part, would do well to include a feature that
>>allows skipping past a section currently being read.  This already
>>appears in the form of, for example, next-paragraph key bindings.
>>Perhaps a reasonable enhancement would be a
>>skip-past-current-Flash-movie key binding.
>This is perhaps an example of where the long experience that stands behind
>the design of the digital talking book application is wisdom we should mine.
>In the digital talking book, there is an 'escape' method that applies to
>forms and tables, and some other selected structural-group elements.  This
>allows you to get past something from within it.  The title or label of a
>block should be interpreted as being within the structure for the purposes
>of this escaping, and to make the interpretation easy that should be the
>syntax.  This is consistent with the syntax in ISO HTML and the Digital
>Talking Book.
>  "Escapable" Structures
>There is a long-standing desire to move toward a normalized architecture
>where the content provides the structure and the player provides the methods
>for structural navigation.
>My point here is that the skip-nav or its cousin here the skip-movie link,
>is something to do with what we have today; but that the answer for the
>future is not a 'skip' method but an 'escape' method that provides the
>'skip' capability and more.  Navigation bars are just another sub-case
>along with tables and movies.

[rest snipped]

Received on Monday, 26 August 2002 04:41:11 UTC