Re: Click here

I beg to differ.  hypertext should be differentiated and distinguishable
from one another and also provide seful information about the link
within the link.  We live in a broken world so untill it is fixed which
I imagine will be after I am gone, I want and need this.  REmember we
have keyboard users who have low but usable vision who will not see but
what they tab to.
and I can give you all kinds of other requisites if you like.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kynn Bartlett" <>
To: "David Woolley" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: Click here

At 9:40 PM +0100 8/9/02, David Woolley wrote:
>  > If a screenreader is going to generate a summary, it should -- at
>>  very least -- include a good degree of context around the link, not
>Neither Internet Explorer nor Lynx generate any context when tabulating
>the links in a document.

Broken browsers!  :)  It's not reasonable to expect that link text
taken out of context will make sense.  Hypertext is not necessarily
valid when listed this way, NOR SHOULD IT BE REQUIRED TO BE WRITTEN


Kynn Bartlett <>       
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain  
Next Book: Teach Yourself CSS in 24
Kynn on Web Accessibility ->>

Received on Saturday, 10 August 2002 09:40:32 UTC