RE: XLink and Support for LONGDESC

> Just checked the XHTML 2.0 draft.  No IMG, no LONGDESC, and no
> XLink.  So, wow, I guess they didn't get it right! :)

Well no <img/> is clearly a good thing, or at least would be if browser
support for <object> wasn't so terrible. For backwards compatibility we
could use <img src="blah.png" alt="whatever"
xmlns="" />.

I wonder whether xhtml-legacy-redecl-1.mod will include such an element.

The lack of explicit support for xlink is disappointing, and I can't help
thinking that use of xlink should have happened before use of xforms given
how much simpler a move to xlink will be for most elements (if we keep src
and href around for a while, like the dual use of lang and xml:lang in

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 06:56:50 UTC