ANN: Accessibility Valet for the Desktop

The desktop edition of Accessibility Valet is now available from
<URL:>.  This builds on and extends
the capabilities of the online service, which analyses HTML or
XHTML documents, highlighting bogus or deprecated markup and
testing for compliance to the WCAG or Section 508 guidelines.

In addition to the functions of the online service, the desktop
edition offers a more interactive browser for the document tree
and warning messages.  This avoids the problems associated with
the sheer length of the online reports, while maintaining and
even improving the strong referencing of the warning messages
to the document view.

Further options include all the reports offered by the online
service, together with additional options to clean up markup,
converting a document to Strict or Transitional HTML or XHTML.
A by-product of this is a capability to convert HTML to XHTML
and vice versa.

Other new features include twelve pages of interactive Help,
quick-help via tooltips, and a file browser.

In addition to the graphical desktop application, a commandline
program is included, to enable you to incorporate accessibility
analysis into your scripts, etc.

Currently supported platforms are Linux and FreeBSD.  This should
shortly be extended to MacOSX and Windows.

Nick Kew

Available for contract work - Programming, Unix, Networking, Markup, etc.

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 13:04:23 UTC