Re: Support for LONGDESC (back-links)

"Steve Vosloo" <> wrote in message
> Something I've been experimenting with is a back-link to an anchor just
> past the image, thus preventing your users from having to read the
> first part of the page again.

If there's one single use of the image, then that's fine, don't think of
it as a back-link though, as you don't know how the user arrived on the
page, even if you've kept search engines out, someone who's interested in
the image may have shared the url of the longdesc with someone else.

> Is there a way to safely and accessibly implement a JavaScript back
> link?

No.  You can reasonably safely ensure that the link only appears if the
capability is available, but then it's just a replication of the browsers
own history "back" mechanism so is pretty pointless - you also unlike
with the browser cope with when there is no history, and in this case
your link will do nothing - I believe a link which is does nothing is too
confusing to be accessible.

Also the "javascript back link" can't cope with your link to anchor.


Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2002 05:51:00 UTC