Accessibility of CSS overflow

Hello, I've recently been experimenting with some designs based around the CSS2
overflow property - setting it to scroll or auto to recreate the look of frames.
It suddenly hit me the other day that this might pose some accessibility

For instance, to scroll purely using the keyboard in IE6/win there has
to be an element you can tab to (such as a link) within the scrollable area.
Otherwise keyboard-only users won't be able to access the content out of view,
as far as I an see.

Is this a real problem? And if so, is it a problem with the browser or HTML/CSS?
IE does allow pretty much any element to have a tabindex - which does solve the
problem for that browser - but that's invalid HTML on, say, a <div>.

Anyone have any comments or suggestions on this?

Tom Gilder

Received on Thursday, 25 July 2002 18:47:03 UTC