Re: compatibility

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 10:38:40AM -0400, John Foliot - bytown internet wrote:

> Tom, you have succinctly paraphrased my points.  Adding the "suggestion to
> upgrade" message can be done with tact and decorum; we don't neccessarily
> need to hit people over the head with a brick.

  Could you, then, suggest to us a diplomatic method of describing the
  situation in which a person is using a browser such as Lynx to gain
  access to the text only content, and furthermore how a message such
  as the one quoted would NOT, to a blind person, feel like being hit
  over the head with that brick when read time and time again because
  their text browser doesn't support CSS, and their speech system doesn't
  support ACSS ?

> the powers that be, so too with the end users... if we start telling people
> that they have both a choice and a responsibility to upgrade their software,
> and that truly it is not that hard to do, then why not?

  It truly IS that hard to do. The day a user can upgrade his/her eyes to
  a more 'standards compliant' (20/20) set, we'll be rid of many problems
  in accessibility, but up until that time it would be a damned idea to
  put in such a notice.

  Of course, you COULD do browser detection and input the paragraph IF the
  browser was considered 'too old' or similar, but I strongly suggest that
  it is a vaste of time.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 16 July 2002 11:27:19 UTC