Re: accessible navigation

yes the words are important, but we are dealing with a small window
because as has been pointed out in earlier messages, we are taking into
account, pdas, screen enlargement, refreshable braille displays,
anything that requires a lot of scrolling to fit what you want to view
into your viewing window.  I have observed viewing windows as small as
one word at a time.  Yes, there are mechanisms for providing navigation
in some instances built in but in many there are not and while I agree
that the words need to be carefully chosen, we must take this into
account when designing our content sets.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Ley" <>
To: "W3c-Wai-Ig" <>
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: accessible navigation

"David Poehlman" <>

> I agree and back to contant or back to navigation should be
> remember, we are dealing here with a small window where the content
> might not be displayed.  It is a tough conundrum.

We're not dealing with a small window at all, we're dealing with an HTML

If it says back to content or back to navigation I would expect it to go
to another page with content and/or navigation I wouldn't expect it to
within the same document, I don't see why, Also surely back is a
problematical word as it implies you've been there before - which isn't
guaranteed at all (even within the same document you could've arrived at
the content portion missing the navigation.)

I don't have any solutions to this unfortunately.

In documents like the W3's recommendations, it's probably okay, you have
_contents_ etc. which you can link to as _contents_ but using vague
like "to navigation" and "to content" I find very confusing about where
it's likely to take me.


Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 16:37:12 UTC