RE: accessible navigation

>How would a client not agree to making their site "better"?

That's really a matter of opinion.  Some may say that making these visible
just clutters the screen more, or causes confusion, thereby reducing

>they could be set (via CSS) as smaller text

If I would make them visible, that's the approach I would take.  But then
someone might have a problem with it, because it might be too small or too

>It occurs to me that the "client" has come to you, the "professional"
>because they lack the knowledge and experience to do this right

In this case, that's not exactly true.  We're doing much more for this
client than just building a web site.  The client has a requirement to
follow WCAG 1.0 Conformance Level A.  Although, in most cases, the pages are
conforming to AAA.

Overall, I agree that having these links at the bottom of the page, and
having them visible, is a helpful method.  But the client has to approve it.
For the time being, I can have these links invisible, and after I speak with
the client, and if they agree to it, I can turn them on by simply changing
the visibility of the DIV in the stylesheet.


Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 09:39:10 UTC