PDF linking problems

I was asked to look at a web page that had links to pdfs.  Initially I =
noticed that the some of the link names weren't connected with =
underscores.  In other words there were a number of files listed like =
'aaa bbb ccc.pdf', 'uuu ccc.pdf', etc.  I changed the files to =
'aaa_bbb_ccc.pdf', etc. and they seem to work OK on the machines I'm =
using. But the owner of the web is still having problems seeing the =
pdfs.  She says when she clicks on a pdf link it's shows up blank and =
she says that the links have been working for the past year. =20

She's also refreshed the page and exited out of IE

Has anyone run across this before?


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Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 08:06:53 UTC