Re: XML questions


Regarding your first question, I can say that Window-Eyes does not 
currently support aural style sheets. This is something that I have 
approached our developers about, and we have brainstormed on a few items. 
But I'm not sure where the development will go from here. To my knowledge, 
none of the major screen readers support aural style sheets at this time.


At 09:46 AM 5/25/2001 -0400, Steven McCaffrey wrote:
>1. Does anyone know if aural style sheets are supported by screen 
>readers?  As far as I know, they are not.
>2. I think Lynx displays the source XML file.
>If the elements (tags) are indeed semantic and not like <red>, <flashing>, 
>then the source file itself might be the best way to go.
>3. IE seems to use some default display.  Can I get IE 5 to display a 
>source XML file that does not have an associated CSS or XSlL file as a 
>plain text file?
>I think that draft is a very good start.

Aaron Smith
GW Micro
Phone: 219/489-3671
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Technical Support & Web Development

Received on Friday, 25 May 2001 10:14:45 UTC