(X)HTML Version Icons

Hi all,

I've just designed a set of icons to indicate three different versions of (X)HTML: Strict, Transitional and Frameset. I'm attaching them in GIF format at the size of 24x24 pixels (16 color palette) but I've actually designed then at 16x16 and 32x32 as well (same "image", just different resolution), and they're now in both GIF and BMP format.

The way I've designed them they're supposed to display well on both light and dark backgrounds, as well as patterned backgrounds (using simple solid highlight and shadow effects that should set them apart from any background); either white (GIF) or the lower-left pixel color (BMP) should be transparent; if transparency is not supported they should just have a white background. Using both color and symbols, they should also "work" for someone who is totally color blind. All icons share the same (16-color) palette, while the colors are all from the "web safe" palette (I think).
"Supposed" and "should" are of course the operative words here...

Email-longdescs (is this enough?):
"strict" - the icon has two black arrows pointing inwards re-STRICT-ing a green ("safe") area in the middle;
"transitional" - a reddish ("deprecated") area on the left and a green ("safe") area on the right, and a little space in-between; over that a black arrow from the deprecated into the safe area;
"frameset" - a rectangle divided into three "frames", each with a reddish interior; two different shades used to make it a little more visually interesting.

Any comments appreciated! And as far as I'm concerned, they're in the public domain now (let me know if you'd like the different sizes or image formats and I'll publish them on my web site). 

Marjolein Katsma
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Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2001 08:03:44 UTC