RE: Table Questions

Hi Liz,

Let me know if the section on tables of the 508 web accessibility course

My specific answers:
1) The 508 standards allow tables for layout.
2) It is a judgement issue; I'll bet a committee of 5 would rarely disagree
on whether or not a table is a data table. The more interesting question to
me is the definition of a table satisfying 1194.22(h). I tried to get a
definition here a few months back without a lot of success.
3) Yes screen readers and talking browsers are using the headers attribute.
I know of none using scope.

Accessibility Consulting

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Liz Roberts
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 8:49 AM
Subject: Table Questions

I have a few questions regarding table use & construction:

First, as table use relates to sec 508, my understanding is that tables are
not completely barred from use as a layout tool.  Is this accurate?
(Referring only to 508.)

Second, what exactly defines a "data table"?  For instance, how does a data
table differentiate itself from a "layout table" that has a header graphic
in the first row, navigation in the second, and content in the third.  Could
the first cell holding the header graphic be correctly labeled as a table
header (<th>)?  (What would be great is a test or syllogism of some sort
which would help me clearly define data tables.)

Third, are there screen readers that can utilize the "scope," "id," and
"headers" attributes?  How valuable are these additions?  (And if anyone
knows of a detailed tutorial on their use, I would greatly appreciate it;
I'm getting better at reading the HTML spec, but there are limited

Thank you,

Received on Friday, 11 May 2001 16:06:37 UTC